Marc Durand Bréard – Google Certified Photographer

Matterport 3D Virtual Tours and Google Virtual Tours for Business are both popular ways to present an interior space in an immersive way. However, there are several key differences between the two...
There are many advantages to using a virtual tour in 2023, including the ability to view a space remotely, the ability to view a space at any time, the ability to easily share the tour with...
The latest version of Matterport Pro 3 camera, has struck the right balance between quality and ease of use. During our review, we tested imaging small rooms, large spaces, and everything in between to get...
Nearly 81% of marketers believe that interactive content engages viewers more effectively. To educate their audience, nearly 75% of marketers use interactive materials. Instead of focusing...
As a seller or real estate agent, you know how crucial the experience of the visit is in the decision of the potential buyer. It is in this state of mind that a practice is increasingly appreciated: the creation of...
A Montréal virtual tour is a set of static or panoramic images, linked together, which give the user the possibility of moving around within the image at will. We can consider the virtual tour as a photo...