Family Agenda – Web Marketing Agency: for better visibility of your business!
Publicizing your business and what it does isn't always easy. Here is how Cible Locale will help you concretely.
What are Cible Locale web pages?
The webpages Local Target are in tune with the times, and feature the latest retroactive site technology. They adapt to the devices we all use: mobile phone, computer, or tablet.
The concept is very simple, since our pages do not need to have a domain name!
The web page in question may be used by your company as main showcase of it, if you do not yet have a dedicated website.
You already have a site ? Our web page will serve as your secondary showcase.
What does a Local Target page contain?
When our web page represents a secondary showcase for your business, the page will link to your site, which is something very well seen by Google.
The pages Local Target are very well designed, thank you Family Diary, in order to highlight your company and what it does. They thus reveal the essential information to know about your company:
- the presentation text of your company;
- its logo;
- a photo carousel, always fun to look at;
- your opening and closing hours;
- Google Maps (to locate your business);
- one or more links to the social networks where you have pages;
- and of course, the link to your site.
- Integration of a google virtual tour
To promote your business, here is the place to go on the web:
Visit the official website ofFamily Agenda – Web Marketing Agency !